Anorak Cat Web Design branding photoshoot at the Mercury Hub in Clevedon

Anorak Cat Web Design branding photoshoot at the Mercury Hub in Clevedon

Rich and Amy from Anorak Cat, a boutique website design and branding agency based in Clevedon near Bristol, signed up with me as part of my Uncorporate Annual subscription package, and after a Zoom call to finalise the details for the shoot, I knew they’d be a great team to work with.

They wanted to capture some new images of them in situ at their offices in Clevedon at The Mercury Hub, and by some stroke of luck, the co-working venue was deserted on the day that we arrived. We made the space our own studio for the day, and set about capturing around 100 images for them to use on their website and social media.

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A Branding Shoot with yarn and fibre designer, Rachael Prest from Cat & Sparrow

A Branding Shoot with yarn and fibre designer, Rachael Prest from Cat & Sparrow

When Rachael contacted me to talk about brand photography for her yarn and fibre business Cat & Sparrow, I took one look at her website and realised that this was a woman who loved colour and creativity and that we definitely needed to work together.

A client match made in colour heaven!

Rachael has been running Cat & Sparrow for a few years, initially with a business partner when she lived in Australia, and now she runs the British and European arm of the brand.

The colours and quality of the yarn that Rachael designs are exquisite, and she has an amazing stash of beautiful raw material wool that she dyes in her home studio.

She lives and breathes creativity, and part of the brand shoot was dedicated to showcasing her skills in knitting, spinning, weaving, dyeing.

Another part of the shoot was to capture a slightly different aspect of Rachael’s life; her other life as a proofreader and technical editor. She needed photos that came across as fun and professional for the different style of client that came to her proofreading website.

My goal was to capture Rachael as someone creative, artistic and colourful, but not in the standard rote poses that do the rounds. Her beautiful yarns and time-honoured passions were central to the brand, so I decided to take more of a documentary approach with minimal direction, allowing Rachael to feel completely comfortable and capturing every image that she needed to share her business with the world.

Rachael Prest holds a selecton of coloured fibres for spinning. Photo by Gemma Regalado Bristol Brand photographer
Brand Shoot of Yarn designer Rachael Prest
Yarn dye bottles from Rachael Prest's stash. Bristol Brand photoshoot with Gemma Regalado
Rachael Prest showcases her knitting
Rachael Prest for Cat & Sparrow. Branding shoot in Bristol
Yarn and Fibre designer branding photoshoot Bristol. Rachael Prest wears a Yarnicorn t-shirt
Rachael Prest shows me her yar dyes. Cat and Sparrow wool and yarn brand shoot by Gemma Shoots People